6308 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224 - (410) 633-5999

Tattoos » Celebrity » Page 2 » Edward Scissorhands Tattoo

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Edward Scissorhands Tattoo

Stevie Monie -
Stevie Monie - Edward Scissorhands Tattoo

02.12.08This Portrait of Jonny Depp as Edward Scissorhands took about 3 hours so far, I still want to add sone more highlight colors to accent a few things.

Artist Information

Stevie Monie

Resident Artist At:
@newamericantattooco 6308 Eastern Avenue , Baltimore , MD 21224

New American Tattoo Company

Saturday - Thursday 12PM - 9PM
Friday - 1PM - 9PM

6308 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 633-5999