6308 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224 - (410) 633-5999

Tattoos » Religious » Page 1 » Zombie Angel Tattoo

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Zombie Angel Tattoo

Stevie Monie -
Stevie Monie - Zombie Angel Tattoo

08.08.09Another addition to a Religious Black and Grey sleeve. This is actually on the elbow, so when the client's arm bends it looks really creepy. The mouth stretches and just looks gnarly. Still have whites to put in, but wanted to post it so far.

Artist Information

Stevie Monie

Resident Artist At:
@newamericantattooco 6308 Eastern Avenue , Baltimore , MD 21224

New American Tattoo Company

Saturday - Thursday 12PM - 9PM
Friday - 1PM - 9PM

6308 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 633-5999